Get ready for 2011
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Social Media for Business
Get ready for 2011
Friday, 17 December 2010
How To Feed A Man!
Monday: Brown Parcel Arrives from Amazon
I love amazon and am expecting loads of bits for christmas, but this is to my marr

The cover is a very pretty bimbo-esque girl and cake...Page 9 proclaims:
The Book is for My Beloved Man L
Darling YOu
You're all the Man I've Ever wanted ..
And yet somehow, You've made that More
Thank You
Always Yours Butterfly S
Another photo of blonde in shorts.
OMG as my teenagers would say:
Phone Amazon no idea can't help me
Wednesday: Husband is Switzerland did he send book resounding NO, Interogate Children now they did not send the book teenagers describe it as an EGO publication and not their style at all.
Thursday: So has my husband got a mistress has she sent the book.
Book has gone under the sofa back in brown packaging, shown to our housekeeper who says its all a bit dodgy.
Friday: I go to my boxing class at Exclusive Gym, and share the cook book story with the other ladies. They all got one and for a while a couple thought I had sent it as a joke.
So who actually sent the book... unsolicited in a brown card box
Now 5 days later I notice on page emblazoned with the word LOVE in red a message from Richard Caring telling me to take little time for something most special...does he know his clients... not all of them have feeding their husband as a priority.
Did anyone ask the basic marketing questions?
Who are the recipients?
What do you want them to feel when they recieve it?
What do you want them to do with it?
Does it reflect the brand values?
Is the messaging clear enough? In this case a brown card box with 0 message!
I don't think the local marketing team even saw the book let alone showed it to a couple of members to get reaction.
I am laughing now and will use the book as an example in my social media sessions, asking the question who do you think sent me this.
(And then I will give it to a bride to be it is a hen night gift more than a kitchen staple I will stick withMr Roux and Delia... I don't plan to start cooking in cut off denim shorts)
Monday, 13 December 2010
Make the most of your Exhibtion Investment with Social Media.

Using social and digital media during your events, tradeshows even christmas celebrations might seem obvious, but many marketing and sales organisations fail to take full advantage of the low-cost and low-effort platforms that digital channels provide.
If you’re planning to exhibit at a tradeshow or host a company event, here are some ways to incorporate social networking and digital media into your planning to make the “big day” run smoothly and get the best return on your investment.
Pre-Event Planning and Audience Engagement:
The biggest challenges with any event is trying to anticipate attendee numbers because one hundred people might sign up for the event but it’s normal to expect drop out on the day. Here are some of the digital and social media platforms to help increase your attendance and reduce drop off rates.
Create a microsite for the event; a microsite is a landing page with information about the event, which could also include registration forms, speaker timetables and biographies and any information the attendee needs. Think laterally and include information that will make the guest experience as enjoyable and seamless as possible, for example, include information on parking, WiFi availability at the event and disabled access.
Put the event on Linkedin and Facebook, use twitter to keep followers updated with your activities at the show, promote the show #tag.
Save-the-date email to registered guests four to six weeks before the event;
A week later send an invitation.
Finally, send a reminder for the event a day prior.
Post Event share content via slideshare, linkedin facebook and direct email. (Run a webinar for those who missed the show our my friends a powwownow make this cost effective and fun!)
At the show- don't be Dull! And don't ignore the punters... someone doing work or checking personal emails is a definite waste of exhibition space.
Create a buzz Array and Fabriqate can develop a video game or app based on your brand and advise on giveaways that get past the bin on the way out.
The video game is a great example of using digital marketing to attract attention to your brand during an event and connecting after.
Lastly, invite registrants to sign up for your company's Facebook page, to register for your blog, sign up for your newsletter, your RSS feed or connect on Twitter.
Quite simply keep the connection ongoing. (without being a spam pest)
Monday, 29 November 2010
Social Rules as debated at last weeks #Mashupevent
Thank goodness for twitter I used the tweet threat to put together the key points of the conversations at last weeks London #Mashup debate on 'The New Rules of Social Media'.
1. Are we trying to enforce 10 year old rules on a new generation who like to be vocal !
2. You wouldn’t go into a pub and scream your personal details to anyone who'll listen! So don’t do it online.
3. There is a need for better regulations to have better security policy from social media sites
4. The rule that hasn't changed: if U upload something online U no longer own it
5. New rule - offline conversations are private, online conversations are broadcast
6. Privacy software is available companies, sites and applications need to adopt it.
It was lively night that bounced around Social media, broadly speaking facebook is still for friends to friends, clever commercial businesses have built successful commercial models around their fanpage and email promotion.
We were introduced to, a fantastic new portal where consumers can bid on experts time and enage with them online. Great use of the wave of social internet use to create a business model, this is the way forward for consultancy.
I would like to see new apps, websites and communities taking advantage of new technologies to secure and protect their users. OVERT PLUG here for our new multifactor authentication solution: it is a mash up for developers to integrate into their site or application to website to protect their users. Just like you opt out of mailing and marketing lists it would be great to be able to opt into privacy!
I am putting theTony Fish slides in my blog again this week as they do represent the rapid change in the social space.
Thursday, 18 November 2010
MashUp*- New Social Rules Tonight.
What a busy November it seems to have been with Facebook launching a new service, offering email to its user base and opening more data about ourselves to a large organisation, what does this mean to The New Social Rules now?
I am looking forward to some interesting debate tonight with 100 people registered social media speakers from PayPal, ex Managing Director of MSN UK, Ketchum Pleon, Twitjobs and an angel investor the panel will be sharing their insights. The new rules of communication and are constantly changing our outlook on the decisions we make now and also the impact they will have on our future career, children and financial well being.
Yasmo Live is being road tested at this event, the first real-time on-site networking app, will allow you to search through the picture-based profiles of fellow attendees directly on your mobile phone, to identify contacts of interest and connect with them instantly.
I have registered with this new tool, but found the experience clunky and cannot get the app on my blackberry... slightly disappointed as this technology was bigged up you may have more luck than I have Yasmo Live (Still can't get it working hoping someone will show me tonight before a glass of fine cold white wine)
Hellotxt demonstrating their latest app and how it can benefit you.
Surprised not to see them mention Loky... not heard of it, I am loving it, it is the app for adding privacy to your social activity.
I really love the loky shake to shut feature..awesome.
I will blog a bit more about loky soon, but if you have an android phone this app is just what you need.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Fast Growth Club.. a good face to face meeting
In the relaxed setting of this 21st century tea house we enjoyed the very best dimsum, conversation and networking. Knowledge Peers were seeking ideas on the biggest challenges currently facing UK growth companies. And the cameras, were out, I am sure the images will be on line soon.
Sir Eric Peacock has been appointed chairman, he started the evening with a charismatic presentation,the prominent serial entrepreneur took his own business Babygro PlC to a full stock exchange listing, he brings his skills to the Knowledge Peers Team. I look forward to some lively sessions with him at the helm.
Jonathan of PingPongDimSum the spirited new chinese brand offering a real 21st Century social foodie experience gave a quick overview of how they have made headway in this recession. He put it down to recruiting the right people, investing time in training and education... I think he should mention the very high standard of great tasting food they continually serve I am their marshmallow dumplings biggest fan!
The room was full of interesting people, young energetic Paulina explained how GrantTree help startups get government funding. David Walter of reinforced my belief that all presenters need a little bit of coaching to keep them slick, were not talking 90s power stuff but real engagement skills of today. I went on voicefactory course with Stella Arman who worked on my pitch and tone in the summer that was excellent for confidence building.
Interestingly this event had great buzz on the night... and a few guests have created digital buzz looking forward to Knowledge Peers joining realtime marketing companies soon.
Video Link below
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Linkedin- New Company Beta
I think that most marketeers and business get that Linkedin is the business community of the moment to tap into, I will let Guru Guy Kawasaki give you his list of 10 things you can do.
As a company you a profile is essential both on Linkedin and Facebook, google likes it your customers and staff like it, I won't bore with you with whose doing it David Meerman Scotts latest book - Realtime marketing covers recent successes.
Linkedin- Add Your Products and Services
I just want to bring to your attention this new beta, you can now add your products and services to your company profile, these can get then be reccomended by your customers. A great additions.
I will share my social media matrix next blog post... for now:
- jump onto linkedin
- Update or list your Company Profile
- Add your products and services
- request recommendations.
Monday, 1 November 2010
Are you Heading for a Real Time Social Media Crash....

By now, many of you have seen or heard about the Dave Carroll YouTube video and how United Airlines' baggage handlers mangled his guitar. It demonstrates the power of authenticity, creativity and compelling content to grab attention and send PR executives reeling.
The numbers of YouTube views in excess of 9 million and Twitter tweets are just staggering. Dave Carroll's video undermines United Airlines' reputation and hurts its brand. But just have a look at Taylor Guitars, how they turned this into their opportunity!
It's a great story of how a little guy took on the indifferent corporate giant, but the numbers behind the story are just as interesting.
By the Numbers
A comparison of the numbers demonstrates the viral effect of YouTube. Consider the following. As of today:
Dave's YouTube video:
Number of views: 9,442,500 view
Number of comments: 27,288 comments
In contrast:
United Airlines YouTube Channel
Channel Views: 122,791
Most viewed video: 86,415 views
Most discussed video: 122 comments
You can still see the negative Channel comments with no response from United Airlines, on Twitter and Youtube... the shadow is permanent.
And note, no news from the UA pressroom (though they did at the time speak with reporters).
Beyond the Numbers
This demonstrates the power of YouTube, turning an obscure musician into a video star and corporate headache in less than a week.
The Internet became for United Airlines an open platform for critics, and United Airlines could not or did not want to keep up with public reaction.
- Their traditional news channel remains silent.
- Their YouTube Channel became a platform for snarky, negative comments with no reaction from United Airlines.
- And the 9 posts on Twitter don't communicate, in my opinion, an authentic, heart felt apology.
Making a charitable donation is nice, but it doesn't address the the problem that prompted Dave Carroll to make a video in the first place. They should have replaced the guitars that simple!
I don't want to pick on United. I am a social girl after all but did they bury their common sense in the sand.
First of all, United Airlines did follow the first rule of crisis communications by apologizing and trying to make amends.
It's their failure to leverage and integrate their online channels that is at issue. They did not apologize using the same media...
This crisis will pass. One entertaining video will not bring down an airline. And the good news is that the next video will have to be amazing to get this kind of reaction.
YouTube gives power to the people, but this video certainly raises the stakes of what is needed to get attention and make news. Less talented people will still need to write letters and reach out to local news action reporters.
ENGAGE in the midst of the crisis! Ask the customer what they want get them to define it.
Twitter: Use and monitor at all times.
Relationships: Establish with journalists and with your Facebook Fans.. make them your supporters.
Fortunately David Meerman has just published the Book of the moment in the US to Rave Reviews and it is available here from 22nd November:
Real-Time Marketing and PR: How to Instantly Engage Your Market, Connect with Customers, and Create Products That Grow Your Business Now by David Meerman Scott
Useful Links
The full Guitar story
Monday, 18 October 2010
E-Commerce - Interacting with Social Media to win Business.
19 Oct 2010
Digital Marketing and Social Media
Daniel Harari, Marketing Director, emarsys
Seminar UPSELL- I am sat here hoping this will not be an email fire and forget session... mass campaign mails..with links.
The Sales Pitch:The seminar will draw upon email campaigns across Europe to highlight the best examples of email and social media integration, advise on best practice and offer a preview into future trends.
Well Daniel is jet lagged but charming and pleased to report not a sales pitch a rapid introduction to social media to a cynical audience.
NEW phrases I learned:
SWYN Share with your network.
In your email sign off engage in the right social network for your audience, most likely to be linkedin or facebook.
FTAF -Forward to a friend- literally this is how you push vouchers and codes out, twitter can do this if you have a good flock of followers.
GAIN--I made this one up as Daniel liked these- think mine is better than the above two
'Get Active In Networks' I agree whole heartedley with his commonsense approach stick with
the networks your prospects and customers use, don't get too clever as if they don't recognise the icon, they are uncomfortable.
So the safe ones are Facebook Fan Page, Twitter Feed, Linkedin- Company Profile and Group.
Measuring, is easy with tools like:
To see how socially connected your website is put it to the test:
Please vote for as most promising new company
Next Generation Retail- E-Commerce Expo- Olympia
The majority of retailers have had an online presence, if not a fully transactional site for some time, but as technology and consumer need evolves quickly many of these sites are not performing at an optimum level.
I am looking forward to hearing from Jonathan Bowers, Communications Director, UKFast to see how they suggest we use social media to engage and retain with customers.
I will be interested discuss how retailers can take their site to the next level and how they create a balance between branding, user experience and technology.
Good Line up in the Social Media Stream.
Andrew Piggott, Managing Director, Incutio
Kyle York, VP of Sales and Marketing, Dyn Inc
11:30 - 12:00 Social media and Email Marketing:
Daniel Harari, Marketing Director, emarsys
12:15 - 12:45 User Generated Content and the impact of Bing on online shopping in the UK
Tom Hyde, Teamleader E-Commerce, Ciao, Microsoft LTD
13:00 - 13:30 SEO in the real world - Avoid the myths and mystery to deliver real returns
Magnus Linklater, Business Development Director, Smart Traffic
13:45 - 14:15 Social Commerce: Add a new dimension to your business and reap the rewards
Herve Bourdon, VP International Marketing, Oxatis
Tania Chamma, UK Country Manager, Oxatis
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Open Innovation and Social Media- Innovate10
March 2008- banks started folding and seed funding took a rapid downward trend. Aim market virtually closed for two years. Leeds facing a huge squeeze, pain also from public purse funding.
Faced with tight budgets, the Leeds team had to look at engaging with Social Media.
Leeds began to build virtual organisation to build IP, paid for by consultancy and semi-voluntary resource.. this is open innovation in action. Now social media makes it possible to co-ordinate group activities and surpress the costs.
Brian suggests the new model says you don't have to emply all the smart people all the time, so using social media you can find and engage with them, almost on a pay-as-you go agreements.
The new culture is open, always connected and communicating. This openess accelerates innovation.
A good presentation showing how Leeds University is truly innovating and bringing new innovation to business.
Social media can give a new product market pull...using a comminity of early adopters to use, test and deploy. ( Feed out ideas, poll and listen. Techology is great but design and delivery of IP is essential for success.
Academics being encouraged to blog and share through the innovation and development process of a new product/service.
We are about to design a happy app! Involving lots of coloured paper and pens!
(Warm room, poor sound but good content)
Monday, 11 October 2010
Facebook, The Good the Bag and the Ugly
It's something that just a year or two ago probably would have been inconceivable. After all, if Facebook controls your content, chances are you won't leave Facebook. But at 500m users and growing, Facebook doesn't seem concerned that freeing user data will lead to a mass exodus.
Will the company's "Download Your Information" feature usher in an age of data portability? Perhaps, but it would be premature to make such a prediction. But even if Facebook’s move doesn’t really create a data portability utopia, it is interesting nonetheless and has numerous implications. Here are the most notable good, bad, and ugly.
The Good
Facebook users will be able to walk away from the social network with something to show for it. Previously, leaving Facebook -- for whatever reason -- meant leaving behind photos and other content. Thanks to Facebook's new feature, however, users can quit the social network without saying goodbye to much of the most desirable content they've added to their profile.
It creates opportunity. Now that Facebook users can export some of their Facebook data, companies, entrepreneurs and developers will have the opportunity to do something with it. You can be sure, for example, that other social networking services will look to enable their members and prospective members to quickly and easily populate their profiles using content in the format Facebook provides it in for download. (So this will make diaspora and the new entrants to the world of networks life a lot easier!)
The Bad
Not everything is included. Facebook may be permitting the export of important content (photos, messages, etc.), but you apparently can't, for instance, export all of your friends' contact information. In other words, there's a lot to be desired and Facebook certainly isn't giving away the farm.
You can't export Facebook. Content may be king, but the Facebook experience is her queen. On paper, being able to download your Facebook content seems really useful, but it remains to be seen whether the vast majority of Facebook users will find a use for the content without the accompanying experience.
The Ugly
It's a scammer's dream. Even the most innocuous information can be used for malicious purposes. Information downloaded from a Facebook account, for instance, could be used to crack a password or steal someone's identity. Now that information can be downloaded from Facebook with a few clicks on a button, scammers and hackers may find compromising Facebook accounts to be even more worthwhile than before.
Facebook need to implement authentication, possibly it is opt in but it needs to be done. Louise Robertson LiveEnsure.
Source -Patricio Robles- econsultancy.
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Are you a Digital Snail?

Are You a Digital Snail?
All the time I get captures by people who have just mastered texting, who barely have a website running, who haven't a clue how to start a blog (or a Facebook page, or a Twitter feed, and so on), and who question of whether they should do any of it.
1. Create a solid Web presence using one of several free website development tools (for non-geeks) like Weebly, Wix, Webs,, or For a stupid proof-easy solution, use blog software from WordPress or Eblogger to set up your main Web page. (Chuck out brochure wear, matching t-shirts, cheesy executives are gone forever.) Socially plumb your site, look at the tool bar on the bottom of a totally connected site.
2. Open the door to interaction by including an obvious way for people to get in touch with you. Some companies rely on contact forms, but I much prefer an actual email address that belongs to an actual person because it signals that you are approachable and willing to engage.
3. Start a database. A customer and prospect list is key to any kind of successful engagement. Even a simple spreadsheet will do.
4. Start publishing. Start a newsletter for your customers or your vendors. Launch a blog and commit to refreshing it two or three times per week.
Use a simple Flip camera to create customer testimonial videos onsite, at tradeshows and events. Upload them to YouTube. this one of mine not great as you will see, but has over 1000 viewing and traffics hits to our partner Mo-Call- low cost international calls site.(I love their catch phrase!)
5. DIY. While getting outside help to kick-start your efforts may be helpful, don't cede your publishing or social media management completely to consultants or (please!) interns. The best way to learn how to master social channels is to first wade in yourself.
Now if you are digital snail, you are probably a bit of a Cloud tortoise too, so to be cucumber cool watch this clip.
Benjamin Cohen, consumerises an explanation of the cloud on Channel 4 News.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Elysee Launch.. Fantastically Social.
Thursday Night Invitation…Louise – Wonderful!
The address is:
13 Percy St,Camden Town, UK W1T 2
020 7636 4804
Closest Tube is Goodge Street or Tottenham Court Road.
My glamourous companion Amanda Y who knew the old place well joins me for our post work adventure, she is greek, speaks greek and oozes chanel laced charm.
The ambience and class hits us from the cab, the place is classy immaculate from reception to restaurant. The refurbished upstairs has a feel of the Ivy or Wentworth, tasteful in every way duck egg blue, discreet paint effects, wall adorned with quirky modern art including a chandelier of smashed plates. The outside roof garden space upstairs is a haven for smokers, heaters and candles, so husband if you are reading we will be revisiting.
Downstairs an amazing Jazz band plays I am told they have live jazz every night until 10pm. They are going to attract the new jazz factor youngsters like, Kiki Bagger, Katie Dalton and Felicity Robertson who like the refurb bring a new era of Jazz to Percy Street.
Well known photographer Petros Pentayiotis is snapping a model who is draping herself over the cream leather chaise, I apply my super gloss in preparation for a photo and Archbishop Grigorious arrives to bless the venture everyone is kissing his hand. Oh my god I almost inhaled my dior lipgloss not wanting to leave a pout print on his sacred paw.
The charming Kyriacos Pattihis tells us of royal liaisons, celebrity stag nights, the tycoons and princes who have frequented Elysee over the years. You can still smash plates , this was fabulous after work therapy, smash, crash, bang better than any yoga class.
I highly recommend a visit, the charm is effusive. They have an amazing offer that involves the a rather generous amount of free prosceco with every main course.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
POWWOWnow taking a Social Media launch into 3D
They are engaging:
Face to Face at Waterloo, London Bridge and Victoria.
Taking and publishing threeway photos, if you are in London today go get in the buzz, have your photo taken with them it looked fun. I tried to get in a photo, wearing my new red winter coat, I side stepped over, was shooed away like an irritating pigeon. I am obviously to old or to ugly for a PowWowNow threesome. So see above me in my new red coat and the LiveEnsure Team, we offer threeway authentication security...
PowWowNow is Causing a storm on Twitter and facebook with a great fanpage.
PowWowNow is the free conference calling service with no booking, no billing, no fuss. Providing an easy, no-fuss relationship without tying you down or burning a hole in your wallet… This is the best three-way you’ll ever have!
I support Powwownow in promoting the benefits of saving money, saving time and saving the planet with conference calling.
Lucy Payne their social strategist is doing an awesome job, social marketers could watch this promotion closely!
Thursday, 23 September 2010
You can Really Connect on Linkedin

“What’s the best way to get started on LinkedIn?” The real question is “What’s the best way to prepare myself to get started on LinkedIn?”
Most articles on this topic begin by spouting the ‘steps’ to connecting with others, 1-5. 1-10… and some agencies now specializing in advising you. It is far more simple than this.
I’d like to begin even earlier in that process and talk about you.
“Just be yourself and people will like you!” or
“If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”?
You’ve probably heard or read quite a bit about all the buzz words in social media:
Three key elements to social media success. Displaying these qualities actually does make a difference.
Very simply…absolutely. For anyone looking to really connect on LinkedIn, here’s the starting point. LinkedIn (in fact, social media in general) is about people…helping, sharing and connecting. If your neighbor’s lawn mower breaks down and he or she asks to borrow yours, you’d likely say yes, because the two of you have a relationship. You also inherently recognize your neighbor will return the favor, or perhaps another type of favor, if you asked. If a total stranger were to knock on your door with the same question, you’d likely say no and immediately think, “The nerve!”
A genuine, authentic approach to connecting with others is vital.
Wrap your brain around this ‘helping’ attitude before you begin.
If potential LinkedIn connections smell ‘a pitch’, you’re done before you start. No pitch should be necessary when you’re connecting on a deeper level that says, “Let me help you, just because I can.”
How can you help? Be you; be real; don’t falsify who you are. Get involved in and create stimulating, informative valuable discussions others can debate generally, or post your comments and thoughts more privately within groups you have joined.
As people begin to know and trust you, lead generation will begin. This is a two-fold process:
1) As you listen to the real needs of others, you help solve their challenges.
2) When you give help, you get help in return.
I often joke that I keep my expectations low; therefore, I’m never disappointed, but often delighted. It’s not much of a joke, because it’s true. Relationship building takes time. That connection may blow you off with a polite comment today, but may be knocking on your door tomorrow, because you’ve taken the right steps to remain top of mind.
Social media is a marathon, not a sprint. Wishing for it to move faster isn’t going to make it so. You’ve got to do the legwork required. Over time, you’ll be glad you did, as your online reputation and credibility grow.
Interact at an authentic level with everyone you meet, and watch the real magic happen.
BASICS: CV and Linkedin should have same detail.Spell check your content, don't use abbreviations, share good information not sales propaganda.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Dilbert-Gets Social

Had to smile today when I saw this Dibert comic strip in Nick Pearts Blog! Nick is so right it encapsulates perfectly the way that a huge number of businesses today view social media. My role encompasses as you know social, and I encounter daily re-buffs like this.
There are a huge range of progressive companies, Dell, BestBuy, Sophos, who are embracing social media to great benefit. Clearswift recently conducted some global research into the use of Web 2.0 tools in the workplace and almost two-thirds of companies were actively embracing them.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Is Social Media Valuable

When someone asks me this question, internally I tend to sigh deeply and externally smile, you do have to wonder if they are in business whether they deliberately buried their heads against the social media explosion that we are in the midst of. Many people understand the fact that they NEED to be on social networking sites, but are not sure exactly WHY they need to.
SIMPLY GET SOCIAL - these sites are an excellent marketing tool for business, individuals and students. If you are asking this question you are behind the curve so do it now.
Think about the meetings and exhibitions attended globally every day. These networking opportunities are held by associations, professional groups, local chambers of commerce, etc. While sometimes they can be niche and packed with members of your target market, many times they can be sporadic and unfruitful. But you go all the same and come away with new contacts.
Facebook and Linkedin are electronic networking events. The differences is astounding they are running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
The Social Advantage
*Free CRM System for your contacts
*You to choose the EXACT target market you want to engage and connect to
*No costs just time
*Fantastic Free Tools- Events, Announcements.
*Allows you to be flexible!
*Set up, Communicate get started in less than half an hour.
Facebook and LinkedIn allow you to connect with large masses of people including your old friends and professional colleagues, but more importantly they allow you the opportunity to meet and connect with new quality professionals who are willing and able to build your business, purchase your products, learn from your expertise and spread that all too valuable word-of-mouth.
Get Connected
By connecting with people on social networking sites you are enabling a wide group of people to benefit from your area of expertise while engaging them in conversation, asking/answering questions and gathering valuable information to help you market more effectively to your target audience. To be honest, the opportunities, at times, can be endless.
I will talk in detail about Linkedin and Facebook in my next posts, for now get your name, your business website details up there and do some ‘lurking’.
SPROUT Better Manage Your Small Business’s Social Media Presence:
Be Authentic
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Brand Management Gets Social....
The challenge figuring out how to move beyond social media hype and implement practical management practices into their daily work routines.
If your marketing department is still thinking about it... I would challenge the longevity of your business or department watch this:
It not easy to move into this if you are still indirect mail and exhibition mode.
Think about the power of letting someone else saying things about your brand without marketing in edit mode... how strong are real words on the web.
Thursday, 5 August 2010
SoSoSocial Get Started
Social media has rocketed into business. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter provide platforms for businesses to connect with their customers on a more personal level. Users can chat to the real people behind the businesses, as well as with each other, sharing their own opinions and experiences.
No longer are these places for teenagers and celebrities, but brands, governments and journalists are all twittereing away.
(Someone told be tweeting was for geeks the other day, I bit my tongue I also had facebook described as a total fad... hrmph thanks to a good upbringing and my females genes I remain placid- so many people and businesses do not get the biggest thing since email)
Social media is a cheap and easy way for companies on a tight budget to market their business. It can be very challenging, however, to figure out which social media tools best meet your needs, how to use them in an effective way, and how to prove they're a good investment for your business.
Here starts my blog... hopefully it will help people get so so social for whatever they need to say!