Monday, 29 November 2010

Social Rules as debated at last weeks #Mashupevent

Thank goodness for twitter I used the tweet threat to put together the key points of the conversations at last weeks London #Mashup debate on 'The New Rules of Social Media'.

1. Are we trying to enforce 10 year old rules on a new generation who like to be vocal !
2. You wouldn’t go into a pub and scream your personal details to anyone who'll listen! So don’t do it online.
3. There is a need for better regulations to have better security policy from social media sites
4. The rule that hasn't changed: if U upload something online U no longer own it
5. New rule - offline conversations are private, online conversations are broadcast
6. Privacy software is available companies, sites and applications need to adopt it.

It was lively night that bounced around Social media, broadly speaking facebook is still for friends to friends, clever commercial businesses have built successful commercial models around their fanpage and email promotion.

We were introduced to, a fantastic new portal where consumers can bid on experts time and enage with them online. Great use of the wave of social internet use to create a business model, this is the way forward for consultancy.

I would like to see new apps, websites and communities taking advantage of new technologies to secure and protect their users. OVERT PLUG here for our new multifactor authentication solution: it is a mash up for developers to integrate into their site or application to website to protect their users. Just like you opt out of mailing and marketing lists it would be great to be able to opt into privacy!

I am putting theTony Fish slides in my blog again this week as they do represent the rapid change in the social space.

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