Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Open Innovation and Social Media- Innovate10

After a very long walk, following little orange clouds, to listen to Brian McCaul, Leeds University talks about using social media to speed up and improve knowledge transfer.

March 2008- banks started folding and seed funding took a rapid downward trend. Aim market virtually closed for two years. Leeds facing a huge squeeze, pain also from public purse funding.
Faced with tight budgets, the Leeds team had to look at engaging with Social Media.

Leeds began to build virtual organisation to build IP, paid for by consultancy and semi-voluntary resource.. this is open innovation in action. Now social media makes it possible to co-ordinate group activities and surpress the costs.

Brian suggests the new model says you don't have to emply all the smart people all the time, so using social media you can find and engage with them, almost on a pay-as-you go agreements.

The new culture is open, always connected and communicating. This openess accelerates innovation.

A good presentation showing how Leeds University is truly innovating and bringing new innovation to business.
Social media can give a new product market pull...using a comminity of early adopters to use, test and deploy. ( LiveEnsure-www.liveensure.com) Feed out ideas, poll and listen. Techology is great but design and delivery of IP is essential for success.

Academics being encouraged to blog and share through the innovation and development process of a new product/service.
We are about to design a happy app! Involving lots of coloured paper and pens!

(Warm room, poor sound but good content)

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