19 Oct 2010
Digital Marketing and Social Media
Daniel Harari, Marketing Director, emarsys
Seminar UPSELL- I am sat here hoping this will not be an email fire and forget session... mass campaign mails..with links.
The Sales Pitch:The seminar will draw upon email campaigns across Europe to highlight the best examples of email and social media integration, advise on best practice and offer a preview into future trends.
Well Daniel is jet lagged but charming and pleased to report not a sales pitch a rapid introduction to social media to a cynical audience.
NEW phrases I learned:
SWYN Share with your network.
In your email sign off engage in the right social network for your audience, most likely to be linkedin or facebook.
FTAF -Forward to a friend- literally this is how you push vouchers and codes out, twitter can do this if you have a good flock of followers.
GAIN--I made this one up as Daniel liked these- think mine is better than the above two
'Get Active In Networks' I agree whole heartedley with his commonsense approach stick with
the networks your prospects and customers use, don't get too clever as if they don't recognise the icon, they are uncomfortable.
So the safe ones are Facebook Fan Page, Twitter Feed, Linkedin- Company Profile and Group.
Measuring, is easy with tools like:
To see how socially connected your website is put it to the test:
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