Privacy on Facebook is still trending topic, with normal people being’ fraped’ and drama’s involving identity theft hitting the press every day.
Common Sense will protect you:
Whenever you want to post something on Facebook, stop and think.
Is this something that anyone would be allowed to see ?
(My mother is on my friends list will she blush!)
If you can feel confident the posting won’t come back and bite you: click the button
If no, think twice before posting !
Maybe you use Facebook to communicate your feelings to friends so you are not prepared to make this consideration each time you want to post something? So take care with your settings what your friends can see. Make sure to do this ! Without these your images and messages can be sent out across the web without you knowing.
Here is a great blogpost on protecting your privacy on Facebook :
THOSE Embarassing Photos seem funny today... but
This is a guideline to heed and you can be sure that those wild or drunk pictures can only be seen by your drinking mates who were with you at that wild party.
Make sure your boss or colleagues will NOT be able to see this photo album.
Of course I believe authentication is key to protecting users on facebook, and I am sure we will see them taking steps to protect us from the not so funny side of identity theft very soon.
Maybe privacy is most of all a problem of our generation ? The world is changing and so are the rules.
This blogpost and links was inspired by the great Geert Conard- full post below.