Sunday, 8 August 2010

Brand Management Gets Social....

Today means not just keeping an ever-present eye on the social web, but also engaging in meaningful ways with brand advocates and detractors. Leading professionals in the field have come to accept social media as crucial to their jobs, but most know that managing a company’s brand on the web is so much more than setting up shop on social sites like Twitter Linkedin and Facebook.

The challenge figuring out how to move beyond social media hype and implement practical management practices into their daily work routines.

If your marketing department is still thinking about it... I would challenge the longevity of your business or department watch this:

It not easy to move into this if you are still indirect mail and exhibition mode.

Think about the power of letting someone else saying things about your brand without marketing in edit mode... how strong are real words on the web.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

SoSoSocial Get Started

Passionate about Social Media or not its here to stay...Neilson result suggest its pushing email into second place for communications. Email is set to be a utility.

Social media has rocketed into business. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter provide platforms for businesses to connect with their customers on a more personal level. Users can chat to the real people behind the businesses, as well as with each other, sharing their own opinions and experiences.
No longer are these places for teenagers and celebrities, but brands, governments and journalists are all twittereing away.

(Someone told be tweeting was for geeks the other day, I bit my tongue I also had facebook described as a total fad... hrmph thanks to a good upbringing and my females genes I remain placid- so many people and businesses do not get the biggest thing since email)

Social media is a cheap and easy way for companies on a tight budget to market their business. It can be very challenging, however, to figure out which social media tools best meet your needs, how to use them in an effective way, and how to prove they're a good investment for your business.

Here starts my blog... hopefully it will help people get so so social for whatever they need to say!